
Saturday, July 28, 2012

The time is nearing....

First let me start by apologizing to my blogger followers.  I am sorry there have been no posts since May.  There has been absolutely nothing going on here except waiting for the days to count down.  Ed's official retirement date is not until the middle of August.  Although he only has to work 2 more days, (with the exception of voluntary overtime) and he is done. 

The truck should be all wired this week so it can be towed.  Yeah!  We need to replace the spark plug coils in the camper too.  I think we'll be doing that ourselves.  $1,000+ at the shop vs. $300 us.

Velma's walking jacket should be here this week.  This will be fun to watch.  Note:  we had the vet clip her nails Thursday,  wish I had caught that on film,  LOL. 

The satellite is hooked up in the camper now as is the 42" tv.  Just figured out we don't get local channels with this satellite.  We will have the DirectTV guy over to fine tune things. 

The days go by slow here, I have got myself in the ho hums because it's "get excited about this fabulous adventure we are about to embark on, yet sit here and wait."  The weather has been too hot to do anything outside.  I slip out in the early morning and pick berries.  I also have been selling Tupperware to pass the time.  ANYTHING to pass the time.

We tried to take the Motor home to the casino for a test run and before we hardly got out of town we were misfiring the #5  coil.  Back home to exchange for the truck.  Brought the camera, only to discover the sd card was in the computer at home. Had a nice dinner and played a few machines.  Ed was pretty lucky and we broke even, gas dinner and play.

A little excitement coming up this week.  Our annual water balloon fight.  My Dad has been doing this for about 15 yrs.   5,000+ water balloons!  Yes we have a large family  8 kids, 18 grandchildren, 7 great grandchildren.  This is our big event of the year.  It takes us 3 days to fill the balloons and all day Sunday to explode them.  Everyone pitches in to fill them, I love this filling time, I get to spend  time with my Dad. Having such a big family it's  hard to find one on one quality time with him.

 I have a special surprise for the little ones this year.  I purchased 3 big balloons to fill.  2- 3 ft round and 1- 9ft round balloon.  Should have some great pictures this year.  These are just a few of the 1200+ photos I took last year. 

So, just waiting for the day Ed finally says load em up we're moving into the camper.  I hope it's soon because I'm afraid if we wait to long I will be rushed for time and over pack and forget lots.  OK, OK, that's just an excuse to get moving, I'M BORED and want to start this adventure NOW!  So hang tight, with any luck things will liven up and my next blog post will have some excitement.  Till next time.....Judy and Ed


  1. When I was waiting to get on the road, I made lists and more lists and then some more lists. Never did use them, just made them up to pass the time. So I know just how you feel. But it won't be long now. And with a water balloon fight to look forward to - that ought to make the time just fly by. So much fun.

    1. That's to funny, I was just thinking what am I going to do with all these list I had stashed evrywhere. Which one would I use? LoL Thanks for stopping by, I needed that smile:)

  2. Love, love, love the annual water ballon get together! I look back now, and wonder where the time went. We've been out on the road over two years now, but it's fun to go back and read people who are getting ready to go out full timing. Can't wait to hear where you will go!

  3. Hey there, saw your comment and replied, but wasn't sure if you would come back and see it. I think Wednesday sounds good - we would love to get together - I just have to check, I think we're going for a bike ride with my mom that day, so I emailed her to check on the time. That will probably be early so late afternoon will probably work out great. I have to figure out how to add an email me link to my blog.
